

This meta-data catalogue was commissioned by the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG). The aim of the UMCG Research Data Catalogue is to increase the visibility of UMCG data and sample resources and thereby stimulate their findability, accessibility and reuse, three major pillars of the FAIR principles. The UMCG Research Data Catalogue includes a wide variety of data and sample resources, from large population-based cohorts and clinical biobanks to studies and everything in between. Some resources date back all the way to 1962. The catalogue was developed by the Genomics Coordination Centre (GCC), the Cohort and Biobank Coordination Hub (CBCH) and the Digital Competence Center (DCC) of the UMCG. This database was created using the MOLGENIS molgenis-emx2 open source software (license: LGPLv3). Please cite Van der Velde et al (2018) or Swertz et al (2010) on use.

National and international standards

Where possible, the meta-data in this catalogue was entered according to international standards, including ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems), ORPHA codes (Orphanet nomenclature of rare diseases) and MIABIS (Minimum Information About BIobank data Sharing).


If you are interested in one of the UMCG data and sample resources, please use the contact details mentioned on the individual resource’s profile page for correspondence. For general questions about the UMCG Research Data Catalogue please contact researchdatacatalogue@umcg.nl . Questions about the Molgenis software can be sent to molgenis-support@umcg.nl.

Disclaimer & Privacy

The metadata has been filled in manually by the steward of each resource or automatically from linked sources. No rights can be derived from it. The UMCG is not responsible for any errors in the metadata or the content of the resource profiles on umcgresearchdatacatalogue.nl. Data from resource participants cannot be directly accessed in or through this meta-data catalogue. Access to the resources is restricted and use must fit within the informed consent that participants signed before collection. Researchers can request access to data and samples. Please see the individual resource pages for details.

Terms and Conditions

This website and its content are property of the UMCG and cooperating centres ©2023. All rights reserved. Redistribution or reproduction of (part of) the content in any form is prohibited other than the following:
  • You may print or download to a local hard disk part of the content for your personal and non-commercial use only.
  • You may use part of the content in grant applications or publications, but only if you acknowledge the website as the source of the material used.
  • You may copy and transfer part of the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the website as the source of the material transferred.
  • You may not, except with our express written permission, transmit or store any of the content in another website or other form of electronic retrieval system.
  • You may not distribute or commercially exploit the UMCG Research Data Catalogue website content.

Other resource catalogues

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